If you run a small business and you "just want your site hosted somewhere safe and reliable" then you've come to the right place. In addition to providing a rock-solid platform for our clients, our hosting services are designed for the small business owner who wants to have a reputable web hosting provider, but doesn't want to be locked into paying for long-term marketing contracts loaded with services they just don't need.
Unlike many other web hosting providers, we allow our clients to have full administrator access to their websites. In fact, many of our hosting clients are small business owners who don't want to pay exorbitant monthly package fees for services they don't use, and come to us for a la carte enterprise-level WordPress hosting at an affordable fee.
Your website is yours. And when you work with Short Hills Design, your website and all associated accounts (Godaddy.com, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Google Search Console, etc.) remain 100% yours.
One of the big problems with many marketing companies is that they won't allow other companies to work with their clients.
We take the 180 degree opposite view - we are here to help you in any way that we can, with any or all services that we offer. If you want to use another service for SEO, for maintenance, or for PPC -- then no problem. Just tell us what you need and how we can help.
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"With our approach, you can work with us or any other marketing company without having to move your website around each and every time you explore providers."
Dr. David Wank
CEO Short Hills Design
We offer two options, billed yearly. Both options include free migration from your current host.
Our Standard small business hosting plan fee is $99/mo. You get:
Our Marketer small business hosting plan fee is $160/mo. and it includes all of the features in our Standard plan plus:
Our fees are low because we don't bundle services that our clients don't want or need. Other companies charge a much higher monthly fee because they include services that may not be necessary -- especially for "website maintenance" which the client may never use (see the next section below).
A lot of business owners want to know why they should avoid budget web hosts such as GoDaddy or Bluehost. Remember, the best host is not always the least expensive host or the most popular host. Here's an article that talks about why you want to host with a company like ours vs. one of these big box hosts.
No. We don't offer a free domain because we believe that you should alway have your domain registered separaetly from your web host. That is, you do not want to tie in your domain to your hosting service because if you cancel your hosting, you'd lose your domain. Thus, we do not sell domains and we insit that our clients own their own domains. With this approach our clients always own their own domain names.
No. Shared hosting implies that you are sharing your server with hundreds of other websites. As Short Hills Design we use an array of dedicated hosting servers and we put a maximum of 25 website per server.
Yes, all of our hosting plans include a free Let's Encrypt SSL certificate that automatically renews for you.
he next big question is how hosting an attorney's website differs from maintaining or managing a website, so let's review that now.
At Short Hills Design, hosting includes everything you need to keep your website up and running on the Internet, securely with rock-solid performance. We update the core WordPress software as needed as well as WordPress plugins, and we provide rapid security updates if critical patches are released.
Website maintenance is the term we use for making website updates such as adding or changing content, images, layouts, and the like. The reason we separate out our hosting services from our maintenance services is because our clients -- with full website access - are able to and are encouraged to make any website updates that they would like on their own. Thus, it's not fair to charge clients for a bundled service that they simply will never use. Remember, one of the beauties of using WordPress is that as a website owner you are not tied into one particular host or locked into having only one company being able to provide website maintenance.
Yes. Web like to separate out the hosting portion from our maintenance portion beacuse some client want to have a WordPress host that lets them make their own edits and updates, while other clients want us to handle everything. Our hosting service is effectivley managed WordPress in that we take care of making sure that your WordPress site is secure, performant, and has up-to-date sofware and plugins.
We have servers across the United States and Canada, and we will match up your practice's location with a datacenter that is close to you. If you are on the East coast, for example, you will be hosted on an East Coast Server.
No. Google Workspace and Office 365 are affordable, reliable email providers and we recommend that our clients use one of these services for their practice's email. One of the reason you want to have your email separate from your website is that email services can e difficult to move from one provider to another, so having your email services independent of the website gives you significant flexibility.
Not really.
Here's how the domain/hosting concept works: if want to start a new website for my dental practice, I'd head to GoDaddy.com and purchase a new domain. I would then build a website, and find a web host to put the website live on the internet.
You can think of the domain/hosting relationship as a Post Office to street address relationship. The Post Office (registrar) knows your practice's street address so people can send you mail, and your practice and equipment is all stored at your physical building location (hosting).
At GoDaddy there is a setting you update so that GoDaddy knows where the website is hosted (see the diagram below):
Domains do not need management other than that they need to be renewed when they expire. And make sure that you own your domain name and not your marketing company or web hosting company.
In summary:
Contact us to learn how we can free you from paying monthly fees for add-on services you just don't need.