Google Analytics 4 Resources

November 22, 2022
Google Analytics 4 - How to Add Steps to Your Funnel

One of the most important things you can do with analytics is to track your funnels. Whether you have a 5-step funnel or a simple, two-step funnel, it's important to be able to track your funnel's conversion rate. In a previous post we talk about how to setup a funnel report in Google Analytics 4, […]

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November 22, 2022
Google Analytics 4 - How to Create a Thank You Page Funnel Report
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November 19, 2022
Google Analytics: Dimensions vs. Metrics Explained

"Should I use a Dimension or a Metric?" Solve the Mystery Now For many of us, one of the most confusing things about Google Analytics - UA or GA4 - is how to think about Dimensions and Metrics. It sometimes makes sense because you can figure it out by trial and error when you are […]

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September 2, 2022
Google Analytics 4 - Migration Watch 2022-2023
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August 13, 2022
Google Analytics is Dead. Long Live Google Analytics.

You’ve probably heard the whispers getting louder and louder as the July 2023 Google Analytics end-of-life shutdown looms. And you read that correctly - as of July 2023, the Google Analytics service that we’ve grown to know and love over the last decade as the product of choice for  measuring our website traffic (among other […]

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June 13, 2022
Top 10 Things Small Businesses Need to Know about Migrating to Google Analytics 4

Google is requiring that all website owners who want to continue using Google Analytics MUST migrate to Google Analytics 4 or risk losing valuable website usage data. Before we start our list, we need to mention a few important points: 1. The Google Analytics we've been working with and talking about for all of these […]

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May 3, 2022
Google Analytics 2022: What's a Good Bounce Rate? depends. Whether or not your bounce rate is "good" or "bad" really depends upon the type of page you are looking at. But before we go into these differences, let's first review the concept of bounce rate. What is the Bounce Rate? The bounce rate is a measure of the percentage of people who […]

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March 8, 2021
Google Search Console and Analytics Update

Finally! It's been a long time coming but Google is making it easier to once again integrate your Google Search Console data with Google Analytics. In the past it was very simple to associate a Google Search Console property with a Google Analytics account. But with the advent of the new Search Console a few […]

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November 27, 2019
Segmenting Google Analytics Data - A Critical Step in your Analysis

In Dr. Wank's most recent video, he discusses why you need to segment your Google Analytics data to make it actionable. Transcript For your convenience, a transcript of the video can be found below: In this video, we're going to talk about why you need to segment your Google Analytics data to make it actionable. […]

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