The 4 Key GA4 Data Points You Must Know

Published:  November 25, 2023
The 4 Key GA4 Data Points You Must Know

Where to start with Google Analytics 4 data?

Google Analytics 4 has hundreds of dozens of available metrics and measurements, and you can spent an eternity looking at this data trying to find useful information. As in many instances, however, in this case, less is more.

Watch the video below as Dr. David Wank goes through the 4 most important Google Analytics 4 data points for your practice or business, and explains why many of the other metrics we often think of as important, really don't matter too much.

We'll talk about:


  • Practice growth and revenue measurement.0:00
    • Dr. Wank discusses practice growth and revenue, highlighting the importance of measuring new patient sources and using HIPAA-compliant call tracking to attribute marketing dollars to actual new patients.
    • He emphasizes the need to focus on internet marketing and call tracking to drive new patient acquisition, rather than relying on generic marketing strategies.
  • Call tracking and patient appointment booking methods for dental and legal practices.1:57
    • Dr. Wank discusses various ways for patients to get in touch with dental and medical practices, including calling and submitting contact requests through websites.
  • Tracking internet marketing metrics for dental practices.3:28
    • Dr. Wank emphasizes the importance of tracking metrics such as appointment form requests, contact form requests, and phone calls to measure the effectiveness of internet marketing efforts.
    • He reinforces the importance of understanding the metrics that matter in internet marketing.
  • Improving website traffic and phone calls through SEO.6:43
    • Dr. Wank identifies lack of traffic and poor rankings as reasons for low phone calls in his practice.
  • Website analytics and metrics.8:14
    • Analyzing metrics like bounce rate, time on page, and contact form requests requires breaking them down into smaller components to identify the root cause of any issues.
    • Dr. Wank emphasizes the importance of focusing on KPIs, not vanity metrics, when evaluating marketing performance.

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