As more and more of us are doing online marketing (such as using services like MailChimp or Constant Contact), it's important to consider getting an email that's using Google Apps or Office 365.
The reason is that the big providers (Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, etc) have become very strict about what emails they allow to reach their customers. So if for example, you send a marketing email out from [email protected], there is a significant chance that it will be flagged as Spam because this email account can't be validated as actually coming from Dr. Wank.
Contrast that with sending the emails from an email attached to the domain such as: [email protected]. If you use an email such as this one (with the domain) there is a much higher chance that the email will go through as intended. The reason for this behavior is that if you are sending from specific domain (such as it means that you have paid for this domain -- and that you have (or your tech people will) setup certain "proof of ownership" features (DKIM, SPF, etc).
Thus, if you are doing any type of email marketing, it's a good idea to start to consider using G-Suite (formerly Google Apps) or Office 365 for your email address.