One of the hardest parts of blogging is finding something to write about. I'm not going to spend time here discussing the benefits of long-tail keywords (see this post for more information), but the more content you have, the likelier you are to be found on a search engine.
In the sample posts below, I've listed some patient chief-complaints. You should structure the blog posts as follows:
Paragraph 1: List the problem, mention that it's a common one, and discuss how you have experience helping patients who have his problem.
Paragraph 2: Discuss the possible solutions (reline might be needed, adjustment might be needed, etc.)
Paragraph 3: Summarize and encourage the person to call the office/visit your office, etc for assistance. Make sure you put a CTA (call to action) in. "Call now at 212-555-1234 or use our contact form to get in touch". etc.
These are my ideas for five blog posts about dentures, and I give you 100% permission to use the ideas to write your own blog posts for your dental website. Enjoy!
Post 1: about problems smiling with dentures:
"dentures slip when I smile"
"dentures come out when I smile"
Post 2: about problems with movement while eating:
"dentures come out when I eat"
"lower denture is loose when I eat"
Post 3: about food impaction:
"food gets stuck under my dentures"
Post 4: about problems with denture esthetics
"denture teeth are too big"
Post 5: about problems with taste:
"I can't taste my food with my denture"