In the blog post below, I am going to provide background information about the Googlebot CSS and JS notification, .and the robots.txt file, and then explain the status (as of 7/28/15) of the robots.txt update.
Google learns about content on the Internet via a program called “Googlebot”. Googlebot looks at websites and webpages to examine what content is present, new, and/or updated, etc., in a process known as “crawling”. By crawling (exploring/learning about) web pages, Google is able to “know” what web pages are out there on the Internet, and in turn, can show the best pages when a user performs a Google search.
The location of the robots.txt file in your website root directory.
Robots.txt is the name of a file that is present alongside all of the other files that comprise your website. Whereas .jpg files are images, and .PDF files are PDF documents, robots.txt has a special job.
The recent Googlebot notification that many dentists physicians received.
From a technical standpoint, the fix is to add directives in the robots.txt file to allow Googlebot access to .CSS and .JS files. But as of this writing (7/28/15) there is no consensus as to the best way to balance access to these files and security concerns. As soon as more information becomes available I will post it here and on the SHD social sites.