SEO for Dental Websites: Why you Need Google Webmaster Tools

Published:  March 16, 2013

When making sure your website is optimized for search engines, there are many critical on-site tasks that must be performed.  But one of the most often overlooked items to add to the list of website optimization is the use of Google's free Webmaster Tools service.

What is Google Webmaster Tools?

Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) is a free set of tools that let you see what Google "thinks" about your website.  The tool is most useful for finding errors that Google detects when visiting your website -- errors that you man not otherwise find.  Two of the most important GWT items that i check monthly for my SEO clients are:

1) To view the status of the indexing of the website so that we can make sure that Google is indexing the website and to make sure that Google is not having any problems navigating your website.  If Google is having a problem indexing your website, you may not know it until your site drops in rankings, so being ahead of any problems is critical.
2) To check for 404 and other errors.  404 errors are "page not found errors"  And while you may move content around, it's always a possibility that an old page is stil in Google's index.  If this is the case then visitors would click this link and get an error message -- and if other websites previously linked to this content, all visitors from this site would get the not found error.  Thus, by looking at the list of potential errors on GWT, I can see if there are any "not found" problems and fix them accordingly.
This overview only scratches the surface of the power of GWT.  It is an invaluable tool to help you make sure that Google is seeing your website in the manner it should.  Talk to you web developer today to make sure that you are signed up for this service.

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